Who can participate?

IMPACT participants are often mandated to attend as part of a court order, a legal agreement or a case plan. Men who have not been involved with law enforcement or the courts, but know their control or abuse has escalated and want help, may also attend. We look forward to working with men who want to listen, respect, and stop threatening or harming their wives/girlfriends and their children. 

What services are provided?

IMPACT participants attend a group program with 26-52 weekly sessions; our staff works with the courts, Social Services and victims to assess the length of program best suited for individual clients. IMPACT is also an integral part of a Coordinated Community Response (CCR). Abuse intervention is a vital component of a community's effort to hold abusers responsible for their control and violence. IMPACT therefore participates in a CCR through: court appearances for regular reviews; coordination of services with DSScase planning; and referrals for assistance with substance abuse, mental health, parenting, housing, etc. Fees are set to include the cost of this level of involvement.

Is the victim involved?

IMPACT is accountable to domestic violence victims and to the community for providing the best services available to abusers in order to increase the safety of their families. IMPACT involves the victim by doing random safety checks, providing referrals for victims and their children and notifying them of their abuser's compliance with and status in our program.

What happens when the program is completed?

IMPACT staff members help to form a strong network of safety and support. We offer follow up services to those who complete our program and want to continue the support and growth they experienced during the first 26 sessions.